
Deep learning resources

August 08, 2019

Loss gif

Loss landscape


The aim of this project is to provide a curated list of high-quality Deep Learning Resources that I have found valuable and insightful. These are organised into separate sections that can be seen in the Table of Contents below.

Table of Contents

  1. Deep Learning Theory

  2. Computer vision

  3. Unsupervised learning
  4. Data Augmentation
  5. Lectures & Tutorials
  6. Explainable AI
  7. Python & DL Cheatsheets
  8. Cool DL examples & repos
  9. AI newsletters & blogs

First, a quick catch-up into the State of the Art in Deep learning 2019:*

1. Deep Learning Theory

This section will provide useful links for an introduction into core Deep learning concepts from begginer to advanced level.

2. Computer vision

This section includes useful Github repositories to get going in training Computer vision algorithms.

3. Unsupervised learning

4. Data Augmentation

This section consists in a list of data augmentation packages that can be used for model training for a more robust and generalizable model.

5. Lectures or tutorials

This section includes livestreams of TOP AI conferences or DL tutorials.

6. Explainable AI

This section has a selection of python packages that try to make DL model outcomes more explainable.

7. Python & ML Cheatsheets

8. Cool DL examples & repos

This section includes some cool models, tricks and miscellaneous DL Github repos.

9. AI newsletters & blogs

This section includes some newsletters and personal blogs I have found interesting and worth reading.

Laura Hanu

I mostly write about AI and machine learning.